Actual source code: loghandler.c
1: #include <petscviewer.h>
2: #include <petsc/private/logimpl.h>
3: #include <petsc/private/loghandlerimpl.h>
4: #include <petsc/private/petscimpl.h>
6: /*@
7: PetscLogHandlerCreate - Create a log handler for profiling events and stages. PETSc
8: provides several implementations of `PetscLogHandler` that interface to different ways to
9: summarize or visualize profiling data: see `PetscLogHandlerType` for a list.
11: Collective
13: Input Parameter:
14: . comm - the communicator for synchronizing and viewing events with this handler
16: Output Parameter:
17: . handler - the `PetscLogHandler`
19: Level: developer
21: Notes:
22: This does not put the handler in use in PETSc's global logging system: use `PetscLogHandlerStart()` after creation.
24: See `PetscLogHandler` for example usage.
26: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogHandlerSetType()`, `PetscLogHandlerStart()`, `PetscLogHandlerStop()`
27: @*/
28: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerCreate(MPI_Comm comm, PetscLogHandler *handler)
29: {
30: PetscLogHandler h;
32: PetscFunctionBegin;
33: *handler = NULL;
34: PetscCall(PetscLogHandlerPackageInitialize());
35: // We do not use PetscHeaderCreate() here because having PetscLogObjectCreate() run for PetscLogHandler would be very fragile
36: PetscCall(PetscNew(&h));
37: PetscCall(PetscHeaderCreate_Private((PetscObject)(h), PETSCLOGHANDLER_CLASSID, "PetscLogHandler", "Profile events, stages, and objects", "Profiling", comm, (PetscObjectDestroyFn *)PetscLogHandlerDestroy, (PetscObjectViewFn *)PetscLogHandlerView));
38: *handler = h;
39: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
40: }
42: /*@
43: PetscLogHandlerDestroy - Destroy a `PetscLogHandler`
45: Logically collective
47: Input Parameter:
48: . handler - handler to be destroyed
50: Level: developer
52: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogHandlerCreate()`
53: @*/
54: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerDestroy(PetscLogHandler *handler)
55: {
56: PetscLogHandler h;
58: PetscFunctionBegin;
59: if (!*handler) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
60: h = *handler;
61: *handler = NULL;
63: if (--((PetscObject)h)->refct > 0) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
64: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, destroy);
65: PetscCall(PetscLogStateDestroy(&h->state));
66: // We do not use PetscHeaderDestroy() because having PetscLogObjectDestroy() run for PetscLgoHandler would be very fragile
67: PetscCall(PetscHeaderDestroy_Private((PetscObject)(h), PETSC_FALSE));
68: PetscCall(PetscFree(h));
69: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
70: }
72: /*@
73: PetscLogHandlerSetState - Set the logging state that provides the stream of events and stages for a log handler.
75: Logically collective
77: Input Parameters:
78: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
79: - state - the `PetscLogState`
81: Level: developer
83: Note:
84: Most users well not need to set a state explicitly: the global logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`) is set when calling `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
86: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogState`, `PetscLogEventBegin()`, `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
87: @*/
88: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerSetState(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogState state)
89: {
90: PetscFunctionBegin;
92: if (state) {
93: PetscAssertPointer(state, 2);
94: state->refct++;
95: }
96: PetscCall(PetscLogStateDestroy(&h->state));
97: h->state = state;
98: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
99: }
101: /*@
102: PetscLogHandlerGetState - Get the logging state that provides the stream of events and stages for a log handler.
104: Logically collective
106: Input Parameter:
107: . h - the `PetscLogHandler`
109: Output Parameter:
110: . state - the `PetscLogState`
112: Level: developer
114: Note:
115: For a log handler started with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`, this will be the PETSc global logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`)
117: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogState`, `PetscLogEventBegin()`, `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
118: @*/
119: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerGetState(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogState *state)
120: {
121: PetscFunctionBegin;
123: PetscAssertPointer(state, 2);
124: *state = h->state;
125: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
126: }
128: /*@
129: PetscLogHandlerEventBegin - Record the beginning of an event in a log handler
131: Not collective
133: Input Parameters:
134: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
135: . e - a registered `PetscLogEvent`
136: . o1 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
137: . o2 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
138: . o3 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
139: - o4 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
141: Level: developer
143: Note:
144: Most users will use `PetscLogEventBegin()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
146: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogEventBegin()`, `PetscLogEventEnd()`, `PetscLogEventSync()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventEnd()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventSync()`
147: @*/
148: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventBegin(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogEvent e, PetscObject o1, PetscObject o2, PetscObject o3, PetscObject o4)
149: {
150: PetscFunctionBegin;
152: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, eventbegin, e, o1, o2, o3, o4);
153: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
154: }
156: /*@
157: PetscLogHandlerEventEnd - Record the end of an event in a log handler
159: Not collective
161: Input Parameters:
162: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
163: . e - a registered `PetscLogEvent`
164: . o1 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
165: . o2 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
166: . o3 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
167: - o4 - `PetscObject` associated with the event (may be `NULL`)
169: Level: developer
171: Note:
172: Most users will use `PetscLogEventEnd()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
174: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogEventBegin()`, `PetscLogEventEnd()`, `PetscLogEventSync()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventBegin()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventSync()`
175: @*/
176: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventEnd(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogEvent e, PetscObject o1, PetscObject o2, PetscObject o3, PetscObject o4)
177: {
178: PetscFunctionBegin;
180: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, eventend, e, o1, o2, o3, o4);
181: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
182: }
184: /*@
185: PetscLogHandlerEventSync - Synchronize a logging event
187: Collective
189: Input Parameters:
190: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
191: . e - a registered `PetscLogEvent`
192: - comm - the communicator over which to synchronize `e`
194: Level: developer
196: Note:
197: Most users will use `PetscLogEventSync()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`
199: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogEventBegin()`, `PetscLogEventEnd()`, `PetscLogEventSync()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventBegin()`, `PetscLogHandlerEventEnd()`
200: @*/
201: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventSync(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogEvent e, MPI_Comm comm)
202: {
203: MPI_Comm h_comm;
204: PetscMPIInt size;
206: PetscFunctionBegin;
208: PetscCall(PetscObjectGetComm((PetscObject)h, &h_comm));
209: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_size(comm, &size));
210: if (comm == MPI_COMM_NULL || size == 1) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS); // nothing to sync
211: if (PetscDefined(USE_DEBUG)) {
212: PetscMPIInt h_comm_world, compare;
213: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_compare(h_comm, PETSC_COMM_WORLD, &h_comm_world));
214: PetscCallMPI(MPI_Comm_compare(h_comm, comm, &compare));
215: // only synchronze if h->comm and comm have the same processes or h->comm is PETSC_COMM_WORLD
216: PetscCheck(h_comm_world != MPI_UNEQUAL || compare != MPI_UNEQUAL, comm, PETSC_ERR_SUP, "PetscLogHandlerSync does not support arbitrary mismatched communicators");
217: }
218: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, eventsync, e, comm);
219: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
220: }
222: /*@
223: PetscLogHandlerObjectCreate - Record the creation of an object in a log handler.
225: Not collective
227: Input Parameters:
228: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
229: - obj - a newly created `PetscObject`
231: Level: developer
233: Notes:
234: Most users will use `PetscLogObjectCreate()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`.
236: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogObjectCreate()`, `PetscLogObjectDestroy()`, `PetscLogHandlerObjectDestroy()`
237: @*/
238: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerObjectCreate(PetscLogHandler h, PetscObject obj)
239: {
240: PetscFunctionBegin;
242: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, objectcreate, obj);
243: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
244: }
246: /*@
247: PetscLogHandlerObjectDestroy - Record the destruction of an object in a log handler.
249: Not collective
251: Input Parameters:
252: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
253: - obj - a newly created `PetscObject`
255: Level: developer
257: Notes:
258: Most users will use `PetscLogObjectDestroy()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`.
260: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogObjectCreate()`, `PetscLogObjectDestroy()`, `PetscLogHandlerObjectCreate()`
261: @*/
262: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerObjectDestroy(PetscLogHandler h, PetscObject obj)
263: {
264: PetscFunctionBegin;
266: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, objectdestroy, obj);
267: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
268: }
270: /*@
271: PetscLogHandlerStagePush - Begin a new logging stage in a log handler.
273: Not collective
275: Input Parameters:
276: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
277: - stage - a registered `PetscLogStage`
279: Level: developer
281: Notes:
282: Most users will use `PetscLogStagePush()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`.
284: This function is called right before the stage is pushed for the handler's `PetscLogState`, so `PetscLogStateGetCurrentStage()`
285: can be used to see what the previous stage was.
287: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogStagePush()`, `PetscLogStagePop()`, `PetscLogHandlerStagePop()`
288: @*/
289: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerStagePush(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogStage stage)
290: {
291: PetscFunctionBegin;
293: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, stagepush, stage);
294: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
295: }
297: /*@
298: PetscLogHandlerStagePop - End the current logging stage in a log handler.
300: Not collective
302: Input Parameters:
303: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
304: - stage - a registered `PetscLogStage`
306: Level: developer
308: Notes:
309: Most users will use `PetscLogStagePop()`, which will call this function for all handlers registered with `PetscLogHandlerStart()`.
311: This function is called right after the stage is popped for the handler's `PetscLogState`, so `PetscLogStateGetCurrentStage()`
312: can be used to see what the next stage will be.
314: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogStagePush()`, `PetscLogStagePop()`, `PetscLogHandlerStagePush()`
315: @*/
316: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerStagePop(PetscLogHandler h, PetscLogStage stage)
317: {
318: PetscFunctionBegin;
320: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, stagepop, stage);
321: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
322: }
324: /*@
325: PetscLogHandlerView - View the data recorded in a log handler.
327: Collective
329: Input Parameters:
330: + h - the `PetscLogHandler`
331: - viewer - the `PetscViewer`
333: Level: developer
335: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandler`, `PetscLogView()`
336: @*/
337: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerView(PetscLogHandler h, PetscViewer viewer)
338: {
339: PetscFunctionBegin;
342: PetscTryTypeMethod(h, view, viewer);
343: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
344: }
346: /*@C
347: PetscLogHandlerGetEventPerfInfo - Get a direct reference to the `PetscEventPerfInfo` of a stage and event
349: Not collective, No Fortran Support
351: Input Parameters:
352: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
353: . stage - a `PetscLogStage` (or `PETSC_DEFAULT` for the current stage)
354: - event - a `PetscLogEvent`
356: Output Parameter:
357: . event_info - a pointer to a performance log for `event` during `stage` (or `NULL` if this handler does not use
358: `PetscEventPerfInfo` to record performance data); writing to `event_info` will change the record in
359: `handler`
361: Level: developer
363: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogEventGetPerfInfo()`, `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT`
364: @*/
365: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerGetEventPerfInfo(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscLogEvent event, PetscEventPerfInfo **event_info)
366: {
367: PetscFunctionBegin;
369: PetscAssertPointer(event_info, 4);
370: *event_info = NULL;
371: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerGetEventPerfInfo_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscLogEvent, PetscEventPerfInfo **), (handler, stage, event, event_info));
372: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
373: }
375: /*@C
376: PetscLogHandlerGetStagePerfInfo - Get a direct reference to the `PetscEventPerfInfo` of a stage
378: Not collective, No Fortran Support
380: Input Parameters:
381: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
382: - stage - a `PetscLogStage` (or `PETSC_DEFAULT` for the current stage)
384: Output Parameter:
385: . stage_info - a pointer to a performance log for `stage` (or `NULL` if this handler does not use `PetscEventPerfInfo`
386: to record performance data); writing to `stage_info` will change the record in `handler`
388: Level: developer
390: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogEventGetPerfInfo()`, `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT`
391: @*/
392: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerGetStagePerfInfo(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscEventPerfInfo **stage_info)
393: {
394: PetscFunctionBegin;
396: PetscAssertPointer(stage_info, 3);
397: *stage_info = NULL;
398: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerGetStagePerfInfo_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscEventPerfInfo **), (handler, stage, stage_info));
399: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
400: }
402: /*@
403: PetscLogHandlerSetLogActions - Determines whether actions are logged for a log handler.
405: Not Collective
407: Input Parameters:
408: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
409: - flag - `PETSC_TRUE` if actions are to be logged (ignored if `handler` does not log actions)
411: Level: developer
413: Notes:
414: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
415: `PetscLogSetLogActions()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
416: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
418: Logging of actions continues to consume more memory as the program runs. Long running programs should consider
419: turning this feature off.
421: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogSetLogActions()`, `PetscLogStagePush()`, `PetscLogStagePop()`, `PetscLogGetDefaultHandler()`
422: @*/
423: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerSetLogActions(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscBool flag)
424: {
425: PetscFunctionBegin;
427: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerSetLogActions_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscBool), (handler, flag));
428: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
429: }
431: /*@
432: PetscLogHandlerSetLogObjects - Determines whether objects are logged for a log handler.
434: Not Collective
436: Input Parameters:
437: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
438: - flag - `PETSC_TRUE` if objects are to be logged (ignored if `handler` does not log objects)
440: Level: developer
442: Notes:
443: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
444: `PetscLogSetLogObjects()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
445: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
447: Logging of objects continues to consume more memory as the program runs. Long running programs should consider
448: turning this feature off.
450: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogSetLogObjects()`, `PetscLogStagePush()`, `PetscLogStagePop()`, `PetscLogGetDefaultHandler()`
451: @*/
452: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerSetLogObjects(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscBool flag)
453: {
454: PetscFunctionBegin;
456: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerSetLogObjects_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscBool), (handler, flag));
457: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
458: }
460: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState_Internal(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscObject obj, const char format[], va_list argp)
461: {
462: PetscFunctionBegin;
463: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscObject, const char *, va_list), (handler, obj, format, argp));
464: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
465: }
467: /*@C
468: PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState - Record information about an object with the default log handler
470: Not Collective, No Fortran Support
472: Input Parameters:
473: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
474: . obj - the `PetscObject`
475: . format - a printf-style format string
476: - ... - printf arguments to format
478: Level: developer
480: Note:
481: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
482: `PetscLogObjectState()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
483: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
485: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogObjectState`, `PetscLogObjectCreate()`, `PetscLogObjectDestroy()`, `PetscLogGetDefaultHandler()`
486: @*/
487: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscObject obj, const char format[], ...)
488: {
489: va_list argp;
491: PetscFunctionBegin;
494: PetscAssertPointer(format, 3);
495: va_start(argp, format);
496: PetscCall(PetscLogHandlerLogObjectState_Internal(handler, obj, format, argp));
497: va_end(argp);
498: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
499: }
501: /*@
502: PetscLogHandlerGetNumObjects - Get the number of objects that were logged with a log handler
504: Not Collective
506: Input Parameter:
507: . handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
509: Output Parameter:
510: . num_objects - the number of objects whose creations and destructions were logged with `handler`
511: (`PetscLogHandlerObjectCreate()` / `PetscLogHandlerObjectDestroy()`), or -1
512: if the handler does not keep track of this number.
514: Level: developer
516: Note:
517: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not.
519: .seealso: [](ch_profiling)
520: @*/
521: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerGetNumObjects(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscInt *num_objects)
522: {
523: PetscFunctionBegin;
525: PetscAssertPointer(num_objects, 2);
526: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerGetNumObjects_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscInt *), (handler, num_objects));
527: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
528: }
530: /*@
531: PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush - Temporarily deactivate a logging event for a log handler
533: Not collective
535: Input Parameters:
536: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
537: . stage - a `PetscLogStage` (or `PETSC_DEFAULT` for the current stage)
538: - event - a `PetscLogEvent`
540: Level: developer
542: Note:
543: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
544: `PetscLogEventDeactivatePush()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
545: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
547: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop()`
548: @*/
549: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscLogEvent event)
550: {
551: PetscFunctionBegin;
553: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscLogEvent), (handler, stage, event));
554: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
555: }
557: /*@
558: PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop - Undo temporary deactivation a logging event for a log handler
560: Not collective
562: Input Parameters:
563: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
564: . stage - a `PetscLogStage` (or `PETSC_DEFAULT` for the current stage)
565: - event - a `PetscLogEvent`
567: Level: developer
569: Note:
570: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
571: `PetscLogEventDeactivatePop()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
572: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
574: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePush()`
575: @*/
576: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscLogEvent event)
577: {
578: PetscFunctionBegin;
580: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerEventDeactivatePop_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscLogEvent), (handler, stage, event));
581: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
582: }
584: /*@
585: PetscLogHandlerEventsPause - Put event logging into "paused" mode (see `PetscLogEventsPause()` for details.) for a log handler
587: Not collective
589: Input Parameter:
590: . handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
592: Level: developer
594: Note:
595: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
596: `PetscLogEventsPause()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
597: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
599: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerEventsResume()`
600: @*/
601: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventsPause(PetscLogHandler handler)
602: {
603: PetscFunctionBegin;
605: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerEventsPause_C", (PetscLogHandler), (handler));
606: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
607: }
609: /*@
610: PetscLogHandlerEventsResume - Resume event logging that had been put into "paused" mode (see `PetscLogEventsPause()` for details.) for a log handler
612: Not collective
614: Input Parameter:
615: . handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
617: Level: developer
619: Note:
620: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
621: `PetscLogEventsResume()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
622: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
624: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerEventsPause()`
625: @*/
626: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerEventsResume(PetscLogHandler handler)
627: {
628: PetscFunctionBegin;
630: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerEventsResume_C", (PetscLogHandler), (handler));
631: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
632: }
634: /*@
635: PetscLogHandlerDump - Dump the records of a log handler to file
637: Not collective
639: Input Parameters:
640: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
641: - sname - the name of the file to dump log data to
643: Level: developer
645: Note:
646: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
647: `PetscLogDump()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
648: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
650: .seealso: [](ch_profiling)
651: @*/
652: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerDump(PetscLogHandler handler, const char sname[])
653: {
654: PetscFunctionBegin;
655: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerDump_C", (PetscLogHandler, const char *), (handler, sname));
656: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
657: }
659: /*@
660: PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible - Set the visibility of logging stage in `PetscLogHandlerView()` for a log handler
662: Not collective
664: Input Parameters:
665: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
666: . stage - a `PetscLogStage`
667: - isVisible - the visibility flag, `PETSC_TRUE` to print, else `PETSC_FALSE` (defaults to `PETSC_TRUE`)
669: Level: developer
671: Note:
672: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
673: `PetscLogStageSetVisible()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
674: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
676: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible()`
677: @*/
678: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscBool isVisible)
679: {
680: PetscFunctionBegin;
682: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscBool), (handler, stage, isVisible));
683: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
684: }
686: /*@
687: PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible - Get the visibility of logging stage in `PetscLogHandlerView()` for a log handler
689: Not collective
691: Input Parameters:
692: + handler - a `PetscLogHandler`
693: - stage - a `PetscLogStage`
695: Output Parameter:
696: . isVisible - the visibility flag, `PETSC_TRUE` to print, else `PETSC_FALSE` (defaults to `PETSC_TRUE`)
698: Level: developer
700: Note:
701: The default log handler `PETSCLOGHANDLERDEFAULT` implements this function, but others generally do not. You can use
702: `PetscLogStageGetVisible()` to call this function for the default log handler that is connected to the global
703: logging state (`PetscLogGetState()`).
705: .seealso: [](ch_profiling), `PetscLogHandlerStageSetVisible()`
706: @*/
707: PetscErrorCode PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible(PetscLogHandler handler, PetscLogStage stage, PetscBool *isVisible)
708: {
709: PetscFunctionBegin;
711: PetscTryMethod(handler, "PetscLogHandlerStageGetVisible_C", (PetscLogHandler, PetscLogStage, PetscBool *), (handler, stage, isVisible));
712: PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS);
713: }