
Sets parameters for Eisenstat-Walker convergence criteria for the linear solvers within an inexact Newton method.


#include "petscsnes.h"  
PetscErrorCode SNESKSPSetParametersEW(SNES snes, PetscInt version, PetscReal rtol_0, PetscReal rtol_max, PetscReal gamma, PetscReal alpha, PetscReal alpha2, PetscReal threshold)

Logically Collective

Input Parameters#

  • snes - SNES context

  • version - version 1, 2 (default is 2), 3 or 4

  • rtol_0 - initial relative tolerance (0 <= rtol_0 < 1)

  • rtol_max - maximum relative tolerance (0 <= rtol_max < 1)

  • gamma - multiplicative factor for version 2 rtol computation (0 <= gamma2 <= 1)

  • alpha - power for version 2 rtol computation (1 < alpha <= 2)

  • alpha2 - power for safeguard

  • threshold - threshold for imposing safeguard (0 < threshold < 1)


Version 3 was contributed by Luis Chacon, June 2006.

Use PETSC_DEFAULT to retain the default for any of the parameters.

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, SNES, SNESKSPSetUseEW(), SNESKSPGetUseEW(), SNESKSPGetParametersEW()





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