Actual source code: petscoptions.h

  1: /*
  2:    Routines to determine options set in the options database.
  3: */
  4: #pragma once

  6: #include <petscsys.h>
  7: #include <petscviewertypes.h>

  9: /* SUBMANSEC = Sys */

 11: typedef enum {
 17: } PetscOptionSource;

 19: #define PETSC_MAX_OPTION_NAME 512
 20: typedef struct _n_PetscOptions *PetscOptions;
 21: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsCreate(PetscOptions *);
 22: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsPush(PetscOptions);
 23: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsPop(void);
 24: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsDestroy(PetscOptions *);
 25: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsCreateDefault(void);
 26: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode     PetscOptionsDestroyDefault(void);

 28: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsHasHelp(PetscOptions, PetscBool *);
 29: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsHasName(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscBool *);
 30: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetBool(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscBool *, PetscBool *);
 31: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetInt(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 32: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetEnum(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscEnum *, PetscBool *);
 33: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetEList(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 34: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetReal(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscReal *, PetscBool *);
 35: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetScalar(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscScalar *, PetscBool *);
 36: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetString(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], char[], size_t, PetscBool *);

 38: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetBoolArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscBool[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 39: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetEnumArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscEnum *, PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 40: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetIntArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscInt[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 41: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetRealArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscReal[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 42: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetScalarArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], PetscScalar[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
 43: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetStringArray(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], char *[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);

 45: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsValidKey(const char[], PetscBool *);
 46: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsSetAlias(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[]);
 47: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsSetValue(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[]);
 48: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsClearValue(PetscOptions, const char[]);
 49: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsFindPair(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], const char *[], PetscBool *);

 51: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetAll(PetscOptions, char *[]);
 52: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsAllUsed(PetscOptions, PetscInt *);
 53: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsUsed(PetscOptions, const char[], PetscBool *);
 54: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsLeft(PetscOptions);
 55: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsLeftGet(PetscOptions, PetscInt *, char ***, char ***);
 56: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsLeftRestore(PetscOptions, PetscInt *, char ***, char ***);
 57: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsView(PetscOptions, PetscViewer);

 59: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsReject(PetscOptions, const char[], const char[], const char[]);
 60: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsert(PetscOptions, int *, char ***, const char[]);
 61: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsertFile(MPI_Comm, PetscOptions, const char[], PetscBool);
 62: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsertFileYAML(MPI_Comm, PetscOptions, const char[], PetscBool);
 63: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsertString(PetscOptions, const char[]);
 64: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsertStringYAML(PetscOptions, const char[]);
 65: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInsertArgs(PetscOptions, int, char **);
 66: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsClear(PetscOptions);
 67: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsPrefixPush(PetscOptions, const char[]);
 68: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsPrefixPop(PetscOptions);

 70: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsGetenv(MPI_Comm, const char[], char[], size_t, PetscBool *);
 71: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringToBool(const char[], PetscBool *);
 72: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringToInt(const char[], PetscInt *);
 73: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringToReal(const char[], PetscReal *);
 74: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringToScalar(const char[], PetscScalar *);

 76: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsMonitorSet(PetscErrorCode (*)(const char[], const char[], PetscOptionSource, void *), void *, PetscErrorCode (*)(void **));
 77: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsMonitorDefault(const char[], const char[], PetscOptionSource, void *);

 79: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectSetOptions(PetscObject, PetscOptions);
 80: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectGetOptions(PetscObject, PetscOptions *);

 82: PETSC_EXTERN PetscBool PetscOptionsPublish;

 84: /*
 85:     See manual page for PetscOptionsBegin()

 87:     PetscOptionsItem and PetscOptionsItems are a single option (such as ksp_type) and a collection of such single
 88:   options being handled with a PetscOptionsBegin/End()

 90: */
 91: typedef enum {
 92:   OPTION_INT,
104: } PetscOptionType;

106: typedef struct _n_PetscOptionItem *PetscOptionItem;
107: struct _n_PetscOptionItem {
108:   char              *option;
109:   char              *text;
110:   void              *data;  /* used to hold the default value and then any value it is changed to by GUI */
111:   PetscFunctionList  flist; /* used for available values for PetscOptionsList() */
112:   const char *const *list;  /* used for available values for PetscOptionsEList() */
113:   char               nlist; /* number of entries in list */
114:   char              *man;
115:   size_t             arraylength; /* number of entries in data in the case that it is an array (of PetscInt etc) */
116:   PetscBool          set;         /* the user has changed this value in the GUI */
117:   PetscOptionType    type;
118:   PetscOptionItem    next;
119:   char              *pman;
120:   void              *edata;
121: };

123: typedef struct _p_PetscOptionItems {
124:   PetscInt        count;
125:   PetscOptionItem next;
126:   char           *prefix, *pprefix;
127:   char           *title;
128:   MPI_Comm        comm;
129:   PetscBool       printhelp, changedmethod, alreadyprinted;
130:   PetscObject     object;
131:   PetscOptions    options;
132: } PetscOptionItems;

135: extern PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject; /* declare this so that the PetscOptions stubs work */
136: PetscErrorCode           PetscOptionsBegin(MPI_Comm, const char *, const char *, const char *);
137: PetscErrorCode           PetscObjectOptionsBegin(PetscObject);
138: PetscErrorCode           PetscOptionsEnd(void);
139: #else
140:   /*MC
141:     PetscOptionsBegin - Begins a set of queries on the options database that are related and should be
142:      displayed on the same window of a GUI that allows the user to set the options interactively. Often one should
143:      use `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()` rather than this call.

145:     Synopsis:
146: #include <petscoptions.h>
147:     PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBegin(MPI_Comm comm,const char prefix[],const char title[],const char mansec[])

149:     Collective

151:     Input Parameters:
152: +   comm - communicator that shares GUI
153: .   prefix - options prefix for all options displayed on window (optional)
154: .   title - short descriptive text, for example "Krylov Solver Options"
155: -   mansec - section of manual pages for options, for example `KSP` (optional)

157:     Level: intermediate

159:     Notes:
160:     This is a macro that handles its own error checking, it does not return an error code.

162:     The set of queries needs to be ended by a call to `PetscOptionsEnd()`.

164:     One can add subheadings with `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`.

166:     Developer Notes:
167:     `PetscOptionsPublish` is set in `PetscOptionsCheckInitial_Private()` with `-saws_options`. When `PetscOptionsPublish` is set the
168:     loop between `PetscOptionsBegin()` and `PetscOptionsEnd()` is run THREE times with `PetscOptionsPublishCount` of values -1,0,1.
169:      Otherwise the loop is run ONCE with a `PetscOptionsPublishCount` of 1.
170: +      \-1 - `PetscOptionsInt()` etc. just call `PetscOptionsGetInt()` etc.
171: .      0   - The GUI objects are created in `PetscOptionsInt()` etc. and displayed in `PetscOptionsEnd()` and the options
172:               database updated with user changes; `PetscOptionsGetInt()` etc. are also called.
173: -      1   - `PetscOptionsInt()` etc. again call `PetscOptionsGetInt()` etc. (possibly getting new values), in addition the help message and
174:               default values are printed if -help was given.
175:      When `PetscOptionsObject.changedmethod` is set this causes `PetscOptionsPublishCount` to be reset to -2 (so in the next loop iteration it is -1)
176:      and the whole process is repeated. This is to handle when, for example, the `KSPType` is changed thus changing the list of
177:      options available so they need to be redisplayed so the user can change the. Changing `PetscOptionsObjects.changedmethod` is never
178:      currently set.

180:      Fortran Note:
181:      Returns ierr error code per PETSc Fortran API

183: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
184:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`
185:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
186:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
187:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
188:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
189:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`
190: M*/
191:   #define PetscOptionsBegin(comm, prefix, mess, sec) \
192:     do { \
193:       PetscOptionItems  PetscOptionsObjectBase; \
194:       PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject = &PetscOptionsObjectBase; \
195:       PetscCall(PetscMemzero(PetscOptionsObject, sizeof(*PetscOptionsObject))); \
196:       for (PetscOptionsObject->count = (PetscOptionsPublish ? -1 : 1); PetscOptionsObject->count < 2; PetscOptionsObject->count++) { \
197:         PetscCall(PetscOptionsBegin_Private(PetscOptionsObject, comm, prefix, mess, sec))

199:   /*MC
200:     PetscObjectOptionsBegin - Begins a set of queries on the options database that are related and should be
201:     displayed on the same window of a GUI that allows the user to set the options interactively.

203:     Synopsis:
204: #include <petscoptions.h>
205:     PetscErrorCode PetscObjectOptionsBegin(PetscObject obj)

207:     Collective

209:     Input Parameter:
210: .   obj - object to set options for

212:     Level: intermediate

214:     Notes:
215:     This is a macro that handles its own error checking, it does not return an error code.

217:     Needs to be ended by a call the `PetscOptionsEnd()`

219:     Can add subheadings with `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`

221: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
222:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`
223:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
224:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
225:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
226:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
227:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
228: M*/
229:   #define PetscObjectOptionsBegin(obj) \
230:     do { \
231:       PetscOptionItems  PetscOptionsObjectBase; \
232:       PetscOptionItems *PetscOptionsObject = &PetscOptionsObjectBase; \
233:       PetscOptionsObject->options          = ((PetscObject)obj)->options; \
234:       for (PetscOptionsObject->count = (PetscOptionsPublish ? -1 : 1); PetscOptionsObject->count < 2; PetscOptionsObject->count++) { \
235:         PetscCall(PetscObjectOptionsBegin_Private(obj, PetscOptionsObject))

237:   /*MC
238:     PetscOptionsEnd - Ends a set of queries on the options database that are related and should be
239:      displayed on the same window of a GUI that allows the user to set the options interactively.

241:     Synopsis:
242: #include <petscoptions.h>
243:      PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnd(void)

245:     Collective on the comm used in `PetscOptionsBegin()` or obj used in `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`

247:     Level: intermediate

249:     Notes:
250:     Needs to be preceded by a call to `PetscOptionsBegin()` or `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`

252:     This is a macro that handles its own error checking, it does not return an error code.

254:     Fortran Note:
255:     Returns ierr error code per PETSc Fortran API

257: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
258:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`
259:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
260:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
261:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
262:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
263:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`
264: M*/
265:   #define PetscOptionsEnd() \
266:     PetscCall(PetscOptionsEnd_Private(PetscOptionsObject)); \
267:     } \
268:     } \
269:     while (0)

272: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBegin_Private(PetscOptionItems *, MPI_Comm, const char[], const char[], const char[]);
273: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectOptionsBegin_Private(PetscObject, PetscOptionItems *);
274: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnd_Private(PetscOptionItems *);
275: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionItems *, const char[]);

278: template <typename... T>
279: void PetscOptionsHeadBegin(T...);
280: void PetscOptionsHeadEnd(void);
281: template <typename... T>
282: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnum(T...);
283: template <typename... T>
284: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInt(T...);
285: template <typename... T>
286: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoundedInt(T...);
287: template <typename... T>
288: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRangeInt(T...);
289: template <typename... T>
290: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsReal(T...);
291: template <typename... T>
292: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalar(T...);
293: template <typename... T>
294: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsName(T...);
295: template <typename... T>
296: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsString(T...);
297: template <typename... T>
298: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBool(T...);
299: template <typename... T>
300: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(T...);
301: template <typename... T>
302: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroup(T...);
303: template <typename... T>
304: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(T...);
305: template <typename... T>
306: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsFList(T...);
307: template <typename... T>
308: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEList(T...);
309: template <typename... T>
310: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRealArray(T...);
311: template <typename... T>
312: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalarArray(T...);
313: template <typename... T>
314: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsIntArray(T...);
315: template <typename... T>
316: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringArray(T...);
317: template <typename... T>
318: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolArray(T...);
319: template <typename... T>
320: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnumArray(T...);
321: template <typename... T>
322: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsDeprecated(T...);
323: template <typename... T>
324: PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsDeprecatedNoObject(T...);
325: #else
326:   /*MC
327:    PetscOptionsHeadBegin - Puts a heading before listing any more published options. Used, for example,
328:    in `KSPSetFromOptions_GMRES()`.

330:    Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

332:    Input Parameter:
333: .  head - the heading text

335:    Level: developer

337:    Notes:
338:    Handles errors directly, hence does not return an error code

340:    Must be between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`, and `PetscOptionsObject` created in `PetscOptionsBegin()` should be the first argument

342:    Must be followed by a call to `PetscOptionsHeadEnd()` in the same function.

344: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
345:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
346:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
347:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
348:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
349:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
350: M*/
351:   #define PetscOptionsHeadBegin(PetscOptionsObject, head) \
352:     do { \
353:       if (PetscOptionsObject->printhelp && PetscOptionsObject->count == 1 && !PetscOptionsObject->alreadyprinted) PetscCall((*PetscHelpPrintf)(PetscOptionsObject->comm, "  %s\n", head)); \
354:     } while (0)

356:   #define PetscOptionsHead(...) PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO(3, 18, 0, "PetscOptionsHeadBegin()", ) PetscOptionsHeadBegin(__VA_ARGS__)

358:   /*MC
359:      PetscOptionsHeadEnd - Ends a section of options begun with `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`
360:      See, for example, `KSPSetFromOptions_GMRES()`.

362:      Synopsis:
363: #include <petscoptions.h>
364:      PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsHeadEnd(void)

366:      Collective on the comm used in `PetscOptionsBegin()` or obj used in `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`

368:      Level: intermediate

370:      Notes:
371:      Must be between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` or `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

373:      Must be preceded by a call to `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()` in the same function.

375:      This needs to be used only if the code below `PetscOptionsHeadEnd()` can be run ONLY once.
376:      See, for example, `PCSetFromOptions_Composite()`. This is a `return(0)` in it for early exit
377:      from the function.

379:      This is only for use with the PETSc options GUI

381: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
382:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
383:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
384:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
385:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
386:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsEnum()`
387: M*/
388:   #define PetscOptionsHeadEnd() \
389:     do { \
390:       if (PetscOptionsObject->count != 1) PetscFunctionReturn(PETSC_SUCCESS); \
391:     } while (0)

393:   #define PetscOptionsTail(...)                                                     PETSC_DEPRECATED_MACRO(3, 18, 0, "PetscOptionsHeadEnd()", ) PetscOptionsHeadEnd(__VA_ARGS__)

395: /*MC
396:   PetscOptionsEnum - Gets the enum value for a particular option in the database.

398:   Synopsis:
399: #include <petscoptions.h>
400:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnum(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], const char *const *list, PetscEnum currentvalue, PetscEnum *value, PetscBool *set)

402:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

404:   Input Parameters:
405: + opt          - option name
406: . text         - short string that describes the option
407: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
408: . list         - array containing the list of choices, followed by the enum name, followed by the enum prefix, followed by a null
409: - currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
410: .vb
411:                  PetscOptionsEnum(..., obj->value,&object->value,...) or
412:                  value = defaultvalue
413:                  PetscOptionsEnum(..., value,&value,&set);
414:                  if (set) {
415: .ve

417:   Output Parameters:
418: + value - the  value to return
419: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

421:   Level: beginner

423:   Notes:
424:   Must be between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

426:   `list` is usually something like `PCASMTypes` or some other predefined list of enum names

428:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
429:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

431:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

433: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
434:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
435:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
436:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
437:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
438:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
439:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
440: M*/
441:   #define PetscOptionsEnum(opt, text, man, list, currentvalue, value, set)          PetscOptionsEnum_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, list, currentvalue, value, set)

443: /*MC
444:   PetscOptionsInt - Gets the integer value for a particular option in the database.

446:   Synopsis:
447: #include <petscoptions.h>
448:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInt(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscInt currentvalue, PetscInt *value, PetscBool *set)

450:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

452:   Input Parameters:
453: + opt          - option name
454: . text         - short string that describes the option
455: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
456: - currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
457: .vb
458:                  PetscOptionsInt(..., obj->value, &obj->value, ...) or
459:                  value = defaultvalue
460:                  PetscOptionsInt(..., value, &value, &set);
461:                  if (set) {
462: .ve

464:   Output Parameters:
465: + value - the integer value to return
466: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

468:   Level: beginner

470:   Notes:
471:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
472:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

474:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

476:   Must be between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

478: .seealso: `PetscOptionsBoundedInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
479:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`, `PetscOptionsRangeInt()`
480:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
481:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
482:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
483:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
484:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()`, `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`
485: M*/
486:   #define PetscOptionsInt(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)                 PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, PETSC_MIN_INT, PETSC_MAX_INT)

488: /*MC
489:    PetscOptionsBoundedInt - Gets an integer value greater than or equal to a given bound for a particular option in the database.

491:    Synopsis:
492: #include <petscoptions.h>
493:    PetscErrorCode  PetscOptionsBoundedInt(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscInt currentvalue, PetscInt *value, PetscBool *set, PetscInt bound)

495:    Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

497:    Input Parameters:
498: +  opt          - option name
499: .  text         - short string that describes the option
500: .  man          - manual page with additional information on option
501: .  currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
502: .vb
503:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt(..., obj->value, &obj->value, ...)
504: .ve
505: or
506: .vb
507:   value = defaultvalue
508:   PetscOptionsBoundedInt(..., value, &value, &set, ...);
509:   if (set) {
510: .ve
511: -  bound - the requested value should be greater than or equal to this bound or an error is generated

513:    Output Parameters:
514: +  value - the integer value to return
515: -  set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

517:    Level: beginner

519:    Notes:
520:    If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
521:    you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

523:    The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

525:    Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

527: .seealso: `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
528:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`, `PetscOptionsRangeInt()`
529:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
530:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
531:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
532:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
533:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()`, `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`
534: M*/
535:   #define PetscOptionsBoundedInt(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb)      PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, PETSC_MAX_INT)

537: /*MC
538:    PetscOptionsRangeInt - Gets an integer value within a range of values for a particular option in the database.

540:    Synopsis:
541: #include <petscoptions.h>
542:    PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRangeInt(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscInt currentvalue, PetscInt *value, PetscBool *set, PetscInt lb, PetscInt ub)

544:    Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

546:    Input Parameters:
547: +  opt          - option name
548: .  text         - short string that describes the option
549: .  man          - manual page with additional information on option
550: .  currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
551: .vb
552:   PetscOptionsRangeInt(..., obj->value, &obj->value, ...)
553: .ve
554: or
555: .vb
556:   value = defaultvalue
557:   PetscOptionsRangeInt(..., value, &value, &set, ...);
558:   if (set) {
559: .ve
560: .  lb - the lower bound, provided value must be greater than or equal to this value or an error is generated
561: -  ub - the upper bound, provided value must be less than or equal to this value or an error is generated

563:    Output Parameters:
564: +  value - the integer value to return
565: -  set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

567:    Level: beginner

569:    Notes:
570:    If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
571:    you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

573:    The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

575:    Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

577: .seealso: `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
578:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedInt()`
579:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
580:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
581:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
582:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
583:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()`, `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`
584: M*/
585:   #define PetscOptionsRangeInt(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, ub)    PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, ub)

587: /*MC
588:   PetscOptionsReal - Gets a `PetscReal` value for a particular option in the database.

590:   Synopsis:
591: #include <petscoptions.h>
592:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsReal(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscReal currentvalue, PetscReal *value, PetscBool *set)

594:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

596:   Input Parameters:
597: + opt          - option name
598: . text         - short string that describes the option
599: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
600: - currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
601: .vb
602:                  PetscOptionsReal(..., obj->value,&obj->value,...) or
603:                  value = defaultvalue
604:                  PetscOptionsReal(..., value,&value,&set);
605:                  if (set) {
606: .ve

608:   Output Parameters:
609: + value - the value to return
610: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

612:   Level: beginner

614:   Notes:
615:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
616:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

618:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

620:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

622: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
623:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
624:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
625:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
626:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
627:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
628:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()`, `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`
629: M*/
630:   #define PetscOptionsReal(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)                PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, PETSC_MIN_REAL, PETSC_MAX_REAL)

632: /*MC
633:    PetscOptionsBoundedReal - Gets a `PetscReal` value greater than or equal to a given bound for a particular option in the database.

635:    Synopsis:
636: #include <petscoptions.h>
637:    PetscErrorCode  PetscOptionsBoundedReal(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscReal currentvalue, PetscReal *value, PetscBool *set, PetscReal bound)

639:    Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

641:    Input Parameters:
642: +  opt          - option name
643: .  text         - short string that describes the option
644: .  man          - manual page with additional information on option
645: .  currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
646: .vb
647:   PetscOptionsBoundedReal(..., obj->value, &obj->value, ...)
648: .ve
649: or
650: .vb
651:   value = defaultvalue
652:   PetscOptionsBoundedReal(..., value, &value, &set, ...);
653:   if (set) {
654: .ve
655: -  bound - the requested value should be greater than or equal to this bound or an error is generated

657:    Output Parameters:
658: +  value - the real value to return
659: -  set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

661:    Level: beginner

663:    Notes:
664:    If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
665:    you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

667:    The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

669:    Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

671: .seealso: `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
672:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`, `PetscOptionsRangeInt()`
673:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
674:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
675:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
676:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
677:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedInt()`, `PetscOptionsRangeReal()`
678: M*/
679:   #define PetscOptionsBoundedReal(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb)     PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, PETSC_MAX_REAL)

681: /*MC
682:    PetscOptionsRangeReal - Gets a `PetscReal` value within a range of values for a particular option in the database.

684:    Synopsis:
685: #include <petscoptions.h>
686:    PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRangeReal(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscReal currentvalue, PetscReal *value, PetscBool *set, PetscReal lb, PetscReal ub)

688:    Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

690:    Input Parameters:
691: +  opt          - option name
692: .  text         - short string that describes the option
693: .  man          - manual page with additional information on option
694: .  currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
695: .vb
696:   PetscOptionsRangeReal(..., obj->value, &obj->value, ...)
697: .ve
698: or
699: .vb
700:   value = defaultvalue
701:   PetscOptionsRangeReal(..., value, &value, &set, ...);
702:   if (set) {
703: .ve
704: .  lb - the lower bound, provided value must be greater than or equal to this value or an error is generated
705: -  ub - the upper bound, provided value must be less than or equal to this value or an error is generated

707:    Output Parameters:
708: +  value - the value to return
709: -  set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

711:    Level: beginner

713:    Notes:
714:    If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
715:    you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

717:    The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

719:    Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

721: .seealso: `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
722:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedInt()`
723:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
724:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
725:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
726:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
727:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsRangeInt()`, `PetscOptionsBoundedReal()`
728: M*/
729:   #define PetscOptionsRangeReal(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, ub)   PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set, lb, ub)

731: /*MC
732:   PetscOptionsScalar - Gets the `PetscScalar` value for a particular option in the database.

734:   Synopsis:
735: #include <petscoptions.h>
736:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalar(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscScalar currentvalue, PetscScalar *value, PetscBool *set)

738:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

740:   Input Parameters:
741: + opt          - option name
742: . text         - short string that describes the option
743: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
744: - currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with either
745: .vb
746:                  PetscOptionsScalar(..., obj->value,&obj->value,...) or
747:                  value = defaultvalue
748:                  PetscOptionsScalar(..., value,&value,&set);
749:                  if (set) {
750: .ve

752:   Output Parameters:
753: + value - the value to return
754: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

756:   Level: beginner

758:   Notes:
759:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
760:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

762:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

764:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

766: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
767:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
768:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
769:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
770:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
771:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
772:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
773: M*/
774:   #define PetscOptionsScalar(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)              PetscOptionsScalar_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

776: /*MC
777:   PetscOptionsName - Determines if a particular option has been set in the database. This returns true whether the option is a number, string or boolean, even
778:   its value is set to false.

780:   Synopsis:
781: #include <petscoptions.h>
782:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsName(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool *set)

784:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

786:   Input Parameters:
787: + opt  - option name
788: . text - short string that describes the option
789: - man  - manual page with additional information on option

791:   Output Parameter:
792: . set - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

794:   Level: beginner

796:   Note:
797:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

799: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
800:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
801:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
802:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
803:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
804:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
805:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
806: M*/
807:   #define PetscOptionsName(opt, text, man, set)                                     PetscOptionsName_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, set)

809: /*MC
810:   PetscOptionsString - Gets the string value for a particular option in the database.

812:   Synopsis:
813: #include <petscoptions.h>
814:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsString(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], const char currentvalue[], char value[], size_t len, PetscBool *set)

816:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

818:   Input Parameters:
819: + opt          - option name
820: . text         - short string that describes the option
821: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
822: . currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. This is not used to set value
823: - len          - length of the result string including null terminator

825:   Output Parameters:
826: + value - the value to return
827: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

829:   Level: beginner

831:   Notes:
832:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

834:   If the user provided no string (for example `-optionname` `-someotheroption`) `set` is set to `PETSC_TRUE` (and the string is filled with nulls).

836:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
837:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that `set` is `PETSC_TRUE`.

839:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

841: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
842:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
843:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
844:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
845:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
846:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
847:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
848: M*/
849:   #define PetscOptionsString(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, len, set)         PetscOptionsString_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, len, set)

851: /*MC
852:   PetscOptionsBool - Determines if a particular option is in the database with a true or false

854:   Synopsis:
855: #include <petscoptions.h>
856:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBool(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool currentvalue, PetscBool *flg, PetscBool *set)

858:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

860:   Input Parameters:
861: + opt          - option name
862: . text         - short string that describes the option
863: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
864: - currentvalue - the current value

866:   Output Parameters:
867: + flg - `PETSC_TRUE` or `PETSC_FALSE`
868: - set - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

870:   Level: beginner

872:   Notes:
873:   TRUE, true, YES, yes, nostring, and 1 all translate to `PETSC_TRUE`
874:   FALSE, false, NO, no, and 0 all translate to `PETSC_FALSE`

876:   If the option is given, but no value is provided, then `flg` and `set` are both given the value `PETSC_TRUE`. That is `-requested_bool`
877:   is equivalent to `-requested_bool true`

879:   If the user does not supply the option at all `flg` is NOT changed. Thus
880:   you should ALWAYS initialize the `flg` variable if you access it without first checking that the `set` flag is `PETSC_TRUE`.

882:   Must be between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

884: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetReal()`, `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetString()`, `PetscOptionsGetInt()`,
885:           `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
886:           `PetscOptionsInt()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsReal()`,
887:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
888:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
889:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
890:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
891: M*/
892:   #define PetscOptionsBool(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)                PetscOptionsBool_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

894: /*MC
895:   PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin - First in a series of logical queries on the options database for
896:   which at most a single value can be true.

898:   Synopsis:
899: #include <petscoptions.h>
900:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool *set)

902:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

904:   Input Parameters:
905: + opt  - option name
906: . text - short string that describes the option
907: - man  - manual page with additional information on option

909:   Output Parameter:
910: . set - whether that option was set or not

912:   Level: intermediate

914:   Notes:
915:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

917:   Must be followed by 0 or more `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`s and `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`

919: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
920:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
921:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
922:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
923:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
924:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
925: M*/
926:   #define PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin(opt, text, man, set)                           PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, set)

928: /*MC
929:   PetscOptionsBoolGroup - One in a series of logical queries on the options database for
930:   which at most a single value can be true.

932:   Synopsis:
933: #include <petscoptions.h>
934:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroup(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool *set)

936:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

938:   Input Parameters:
939: + opt  - option name
940: . text - short string that describes the option
941: - man  - manual page with additional information on option

943:   Output Parameter:
944: . set - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

946:   Level: intermediate

948:   Notes:
949:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

951:   Must follow a `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()` and preceded a `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`

953: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
954:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
955:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
956:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
957:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
958:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
959: M*/
960:   #define PetscOptionsBoolGroup(opt, text, man, set)                                PetscOptionsBoolGroup_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, set)

962: /*MC
963:   PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd - Last in a series of logical queries on the options database for
964:   which at most a single value can be true.

966:   Synopsis:
967: #include <petscoptions.h>
968:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool  *set)

970:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

972:   Input Parameters:
973: + opt  - option name
974: . text - short string that describes the option
975: - man  - manual page with additional information on option

977:   Output Parameter:
978: . set - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

980:   Level: intermediate

982:   Notes:
983:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

985:   Must follow a `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`

987: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
988:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
989:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
990:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
991:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
992:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
993: M*/
994:   #define PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd(opt, text, man, set)                             PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, set)

996: /*MC
997:   PetscOptionsFList - Puts a list of option values that a single one may be selected from

999:   Synopsis:
1000: #include <petscoptions.h>
1001:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsFList(const char opt[], const char ltext[], const char man[], PetscFunctionList list, const char currentvalue[], char value[], size_t len, PetscBool *set)

1003:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1005:   Input Parameters:
1006: + opt          - option name
1007: . ltext        - short string that describes the option
1008: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
1009: . list         - the possible choices
1010: . currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with
1011: .vb
1012:                  PetscOptionsFlist(..., obj->value,value,len,&set);
1013:                  if (set) {
1014: .ve
1015: - len          - the length of the character array value

1017:   Output Parameters:
1018: + value - the value to return
1019: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1021:   Level: intermediate

1023:   Notes:
1024:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1026:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
1027:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that the `set` flag is `PETSC_TRUE`.

1029:   The `currentvalue` passed into this routine does not get transferred to the output `value` variable automatically.

1031:   See `PetscOptionsEList()` for when the choices are given in a string array

1033:   To get a listing of all currently specified options,
1034:   see `PetscOptionsView()` or `PetscOptionsGetAll()`

1036:   Developer Note:
1037:   This cannot check for invalid selection because of things like `MATAIJ` that are not included in the list

1039: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1040:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1041:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1042:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1043:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1044:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`, `PetscOptionsEnum()`
1045: M*/
1046:   #define PetscOptionsFList(opt, ltext, man, list, currentvalue, value, len, set)   PetscOptionsFList_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, ltext, man, list, currentvalue, value, len, set)

1048: /*MC
1049:   PetscOptionsEList - Puts a list of option values that a single one may be selected from

1051:   Synopsis:
1052: #include <petscoptions.h>
1053:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEList(const char opt[], const char ltext[], const char man[], const char *const *list, PetscInt ntext, const char currentvalue[], PetscInt *value, PetscBool *set)

1055:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1057:   Input Parameters:
1058: + opt          - option name
1059: . ltext        - short string that describes the option
1060: . man          - manual page with additional information on option
1061: . list         - the possible choices (one of these must be selected, anything else is invalid)
1062: . ntext        - number of choices
1063: - currentvalue - the current value; caller is responsible for setting this value correctly. Normally this is done with
1064: .vb
1065:                  PetscOptionsEList(..., obj->value,&value,&set);
1066: .ve                 if (set) {

1068:   Output Parameters:
1069: + value - the index of the value to return
1070: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1072:   Level: intermediate

1074:   Notes:
1075:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1077:   If the user does not supply the option at all `value` is NOT changed. Thus
1078:   you should ALWAYS initialize `value` if you access it without first checking that the `set` flag is `PETSC_TRUE`.

1080:   See `PetscOptionsFList()` for when the choices are given in a `PetscFunctionList()`

1082: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1083:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1084:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1085:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1086:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1087:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEnum()`
1088: M*/
1089:   #define PetscOptionsEList(opt, ltext, man, list, ntext, currentvalue, value, set) PetscOptionsEList_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, ltext, man, list, ntext, currentvalue, value, set)

1091: /*MC
1092:   PetscOptionsRealArray - Gets an array of double values for a particular
1093:   option in the database. The values must be separated with commas with
1094:   no intervening spaces.

1096:   Synopsis:
1097: #include <petscoptions.h>
1098:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRealArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscReal value[], PetscInt *n, PetscBool *set)

1100:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1102:   Input Parameters:
1103: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1104: . text - short string describing option
1105: . man  - manual page for option
1106: - n    - maximum number of values that value has room for

1108:   Output Parameters:
1109: + value - location to copy values
1110: . n     - actual number of values found
1111: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1113:   Level: beginner

1115:   Note:
1116:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1118: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1119:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1120:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1121:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1122:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1123:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1124: M*/
1125:   #define PetscOptionsRealArray(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)           PetscOptionsRealArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

1127: /*MC
1128:   PetscOptionsScalarArray - Gets an array of `PetscScalar` values for a particular
1129:   option in the database. The values must be separated with commas with
1130:   no intervening spaces.

1132:   Synopsis:
1133: #include <petscoptions.h>
1134:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalarArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscScalar value[], PetscInt *n, PetscBool *set)

1136:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1138:   Input Parameters:
1139: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1140: . text - short string describing option
1141: . man  - manual page for option
1142: - n    - maximum number of values allowed in the value array

1144:   Output Parameters:
1145: + value - location to copy values
1146: . n     - actual number of values found
1147: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1149:   Level: beginner

1151:   Note:
1152:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1154: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1155:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1156:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1157:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1158:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1159:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1160: M*/
1161:   #define PetscOptionsScalarArray(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)         PetscOptionsScalarArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

1163: /*MC
1164:   PetscOptionsIntArray - Gets an array of integers for a particular
1165:   option in the database.

1167:   Synopsis:
1168: #include <petscoptions.h>
1169:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsIntArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscInt value[], PetscInt *n, PetscBool *set)

1171:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1173:   Input Parameters:
1174: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1175: . text - short string describing option
1176: . man  - manual page for option
1177: - n    - maximum number of values

1179:   Output Parameters:
1180: + value - location to copy values
1181: . n     - actual number of values found
1182: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1184:   Level: beginner

1186:   Notes:
1187:   The array can be passed as
1188: +   a comma separated list -                                  0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7
1189: .   a range (start\-end+1) -                                  0-8
1190: .   a range with given increment (start\-end+1:inc) -         0-7:2
1191: -   a combination of values and ranges separated by commas -  0,1-8,8-15:2

1193:   There must be no intervening spaces between the values.

1195:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1197: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1198:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1199:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1200:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1201:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1202:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1203: M*/
1204:   #define PetscOptionsIntArray(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)            PetscOptionsIntArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

1206: /*MC
1207:   PetscOptionsStringArray - Gets an array of string values for a particular
1208:   option in the database. The values must be separated with commas with
1209:   no intervening spaces.

1211:   Synopsis:
1212: #include <petscoptions.h>
1213:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], char *value[], PetscInt *nmax, PetscBool  *set)

1215:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`; No Fortran Support

1217:   Input Parameters:
1218: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1219: . text - short string describing option
1220: . man  - manual page for option
1221: - nmax - maximum number of strings

1223:   Output Parameters:
1224: + value - location to copy strings
1225: . nmax  - actual number of strings found
1226: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1228:   Level: beginner

1230:   Notes:
1231:   The user should pass in an array of pointers to char, to hold all the
1232:   strings returned by this function.

1234:   The user is responsible for deallocating the strings that are
1235:   returned.

1237:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1239: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1240:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1241:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1242:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1243:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1244:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1245: M*/
1246:   #define PetscOptionsStringArray(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)         PetscOptionsStringArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

1248: /*MC
1249:   PetscOptionsBoolArray - Gets an array of logical values (true or false) for a particular
1250:   option in the database. The values must be separated with commas with
1251:   no intervening spaces.

1253:   Synopsis:
1254: #include <petscoptions.h>
1255:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], PetscBool value[], PetscInt *n, PetscBool *set)

1257:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1259:   Input Parameters:
1260: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1261: . text - short string describing option
1262: . man  - manual page for option
1263: - n    - maximum number of values allowed in the value array

1265:   Output Parameters:
1266: + value - location to copy values
1267: . n     - actual number of values found
1268: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1270:   Level: beginner

1272:   Notes:
1273:   The user should pass in an array of `PetscBool`

1275:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1277: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1278:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`,
1279:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1280:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1281:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1282:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1283: M*/
1284:   #define PetscOptionsBoolArray(opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)           PetscOptionsBoolArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, currentvalue, value, set)

1286: /*MC
1287:   PetscOptionsEnumArray - Gets an array of enum values for a particular
1288:   option in the database.

1290:   Synopsis:
1291: #include <petscoptions.h>
1292:   PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnumArray(const char opt[], const char text[], const char man[], const char *const *list, PetscEnum value[], PetscInt *n, PetscBool *set)

1294:   Logically Collective on the communicator passed in `PetscOptionsBegin()`

1296:   Input Parameters:
1297: + opt  - the option one is seeking
1298: . text - short string describing option
1299: . man  - manual page for option
1300: . list - array containing the list of choices, followed by the enum name, followed by the enum prefix, followed by a null
1301: - n    - maximum number of values allowed in the value array

1303:   Output Parameters:
1304: + value - location to copy values
1305: . n     - actual number of values found
1306: - set   - `PETSC_TRUE` if found, else `PETSC_FALSE`

1308:   Level: beginner

1310:   Notes:
1311:   The array must be passed as a comma separated list.

1313:   There must be no intervening spaces between the values.

1315:   Must be used between a `PetscOptionsBegin()` and a `PetscOptionsEnd()`

1317: .seealso: `PetscOptionsGetInt()`, `PetscOptionsGetReal()`,
1318:           `PetscOptionsHasName()`, `PetscOptionsGetIntArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsGetBool()`,
1319:           `PetscOptionsName()`, `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsHeadBegin()`,
1320:           `PetscOptionsStringArray()`, `PetscOptionsRealArray()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`,
1321:           `PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroup()`, `PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd()`,
1322:           `PetscOptionsFList()`, `PetscOptionsEList()`
1323: M*/
1324:   #define PetscOptionsEnumArray(opt, text, man, list, value, n, set)                PetscOptionsEnumArray_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, list, value, n, set)

1326: /*MC
1327:   PetscOptionsDeprecated - mark an option as deprecated, optionally replacing it with `newname`

1329:   Prints a deprecation warning, unless an option is supplied to suppress.

1331:   Logically Collective

1333:   Input Parameters:
1334: + oldname - the old, deprecated option
1335: . newname - the new option, or `NULL` if option is purely removed
1336: . version - a string describing the version of first deprecation, e.g. "3.9"
1337: - info    - additional information string, or `NULL`.

1339:   Options Database Key:
1340: . -options_suppress_deprecated_warnings - do not print deprecation warnings

1342:   Level: developer

1344:   Notes:
1345:   If `newname` is provided then the options database will automatically check the database for `oldname`.

1347:   The old call `PetscOptionsXXX`(`oldname`) should be removed from the source code when both (1) the call to `PetscOptionsDeprecated()` occurs before the
1348:   new call to `PetscOptionsXXX`(`newname`) and (2) the argument handling of the new call to `PetscOptionsXXX`(`newname`) is identical to the previous call.
1349:   See `PTScotch_PartGraph_Seq()` for an example of when (1) fails and `SNESTestJacobian()` where an example of (2) fails.

1351:   Must be called between `PetscOptionsBegin()` (or `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()`) and `PetscOptionsEnd()`.
1352:   Only the process of MPI rank zero that owns the `PetscOptionsItems` are argument (managed by `PetscOptionsBegin()` or `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()` prints the information
1353:   If newname is provided, the old option is replaced. Otherwise, it remains in the options database.
1354:   If an option is not replaced, the info argument should be used to advise the user on how to proceed.
1355:   There is a limit on the length of the warning printed, so very long strings provided as info may be truncated.

1357: .seealso: `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsSetValue()`
1358: M*/
1359:   #define PetscOptionsDeprecated(opt, text, man, info)                              PetscOptionsDeprecated_Private(PetscOptionsObject, opt, text, man, info)

1361: /*MC
1362:   PetscOptionsDeprecatedMoObject - mark an option as deprecated in the global PetscOptionsObject, optionally replacing it with `newname`

1364:   Prints a deprecation warning, unless an option is supplied to suppress.

1366:   Logically Collective

1368:   Input Parameters:
1369: + oldname - the old, deprecated option
1370: . newname - the new option, or `NULL` if option is purely removed
1371: . version - a string describing the version of first deprecation, e.g. "3.9"
1372: - info    - additional information string, or `NULL`.

1374:   Options Database Key:
1375: . -options_suppress_deprecated_warnings - do not print deprecation warnings

1377:   Level: developer

1379:   Notes:
1380:   If `newname` is provided then the options database will automatically check the database for `oldname`.

1382:   The old call `PetscOptionsXXX`(`oldname`) should be removed from the source code when both (1) the call to `PetscOptionsDeprecated()` occurs before the
1383:   new call to `PetscOptionsXXX`(`newname`) and (2) the argument handling of the new call to `PetscOptionsXXX`(`newname`) is identical to the previous call.
1384:   See `PTScotch_PartGraph_Seq()` for an example of when (1) fails and `SNESTestJacobian()` where an example of (2) fails.

1386:   Only the process of MPI rank zero that owns the `PetscOptionsItems` are argument (managed by `PetscOptionsBegin()` or `PetscObjectOptionsBegin()` prints the information
1387:   If newname is provided, the old option is replaced. Otherwise, it remains in the options database.
1388:   If an option is not replaced, the info argument should be used to advise the user on how to proceed.
1389:   There is a limit on the length of the warning printed, so very long strings provided as info may be truncated.

1391: .seealso: `PetscOptionsBegin()`, `PetscOptionsEnd()`, `PetscOptionsScalar()`, `PetscOptionsBool()`, `PetscOptionsString()`, `PetscOptionsSetValue()`
1392: M*/
1393:   #define PetscOptionsDeprecatedNoObject(opt, text, man, info)                      PetscOptionsDeprecated_Private(NULL, opt, text, man, info)

1396: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnum_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscEnum, PetscEnum *, PetscBool *);
1397: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsInt_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscInt, PetscInt *, PetscBool *, PetscInt, PetscInt);
1398: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsReal_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscReal, PetscReal *, PetscBool *, PetscReal, PetscReal);
1399: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalar_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscScalar, PetscScalar *, PetscBool *);
1400: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsName_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool *);
1401: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsString_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], const char[], char *, size_t, PetscBool *);
1402: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBool_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool, PetscBool *, PetscBool *);
1403: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupBegin_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool *);
1404: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroup_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool *);
1405: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolGroupEnd_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool *);
1406: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsFList_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscFunctionList, const char[], char[], size_t, PetscBool *);
1407: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEList_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscInt, const char[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1408: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsRealArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscReal[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1409: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsScalarArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscScalar[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1410: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsIntArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscInt[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1411: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsStringArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], char *[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1412: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsBoolArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], PetscBool[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1413: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsEnumArray_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], const char *const *, PetscEnum[], PetscInt *, PetscBool *);
1414: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsDeprecated_Private(PetscOptionItems *, const char[], const char[], const char[], const char[]);

1416: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsSAWsDestroy(void);

1418: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectAddOptionsHandler(PetscObject, PetscErrorCode (*)(PetscObject, PetscOptionItems *, void *), PetscErrorCode (*)(PetscObject, void *), void *);
1419: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectProcessOptionsHandlers(PetscObject, PetscOptionItems *);
1420: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscObjectDestroyOptionsHandlers(PetscObject);

1422: PETSC_EXTERN PetscErrorCode PetscOptionsLeftError(void);