
Sets options for the line search


#include "petscsnes.h" 
PetscErrorCode SNESLineSearchSetFromOptions(SNESLineSearch linesearch)

Logically Collective

Input Parameter#

Options Database Keys#

  • -snes_linesearch_type - basic (or equivalently none), bt, l2, cp, nleqerr, shell

  • -snes_linesearch_order - 1, 2, 3. Most types only support certain orders (bt supports 2 or 3)

  • -snes_linesearch_norms - Turn on/off the linesearch norms for the basic linesearch typem (SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms())

  • -snes_linesearch_minlambda - The minimum step length

  • -snes_linesearch_maxstep - The maximum step size

  • -snes_linesearch_rtol - Relative tolerance for iterative line searches

  • -snes_linesearch_atol - Absolute tolerance for iterative line searches

  • -snes_linesearch_ltol - Change in lambda tolerance for iterative line searches

  • -snes_linesearch_max_it - The number of iterations for iterative line searches

  • -snes_linesearch_monitor [:filename] - Print progress of line searches

  • -snes_linesearch_monitor_solution_update [viewer:filename:format] - view each update tried by line search routine

  • -snes_linesearch_damping - The linesearch damping parameter

  • -snes_linesearch_keeplambda - Keep the previous search length as the initial guess.

  • -snes_linesearch_precheck_picard - Use precheck that speeds up convergence of picard method

  • -snes_linesearch_precheck_picard_angle - Angle used in Picard precheck method

See Also#

SNES: Nonlinear Solvers, SNES, SNESLineSearch, SNESLineSearchCreate(), SNESLineSearchSetOrder(), SNESLineSearchSetType(), SNESLineSearchSetTolerances(), SNESLineSearchSetDamping(), SNESLineSearchPreCheckPicard(), SNESLineSearchType, SNESLineSearchSetComputeNorms()






SNESLineSearchSetFromOptions_BT() in src/snes/linesearch/impls/bt/linesearchbt.c

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