Returns a pointer to a 4d contiguous array that contains this processor’s portion of the vector data. You MUST call VecRestoreArray4d()
when you no longer need access to the array.
#include "petscvec.h"
PetscErrorCode VecGetArray4d(Vec x, PetscInt m, PetscInt n, PetscInt p, PetscInt q, PetscInt mstart, PetscInt nstart, PetscInt pstart, PetscInt qstart, PetscScalar ****a[])
Logically Collective
Input Parameters#
x - the vector
m - first dimension of four dimensional array
n - second dimension of four dimensional array
p - third dimension of four dimensional array
q - fourth dimension of four dimensional array
mstart - first index you will use in first coordinate direction (often 0)
nstart - first index in the second coordinate direction (often 0)
pstart - first index in the third coordinate direction (often 0)
qstart - first index in the fourth coordinate direction (often 0)
Output Parameter#
a - location to put pointer to the array
For a vector obtained from DMCreateLocalVector()
, nstart
, and pstart
are likely
obtained from the corner indices obtained from DMDAGetGhostCorners()
while for
they are the corner indices from DMDAGetCorners()
. In both cases
the arguments from DMDAGet[Ghost]Corners()
are reversed in the call to VecGetArray3d()
For standard PETSc vectors this is an inexpensive call; it does not copy the vector values.
See Also#
Vectors and Parallel Data, Vec
, VecGetArray()
, VecRestoreArray()
, VecGetArrays()
, VecGetArrayF90()
, VecPlaceArray()
, DMDAVecGetArray()
, DMDAVecRestoreArray()
, VecGetArray3d()
, VecRestoreArray3d()
, VecRestoreArray1d()
, VecRestoreArray4d()
Index of all Vec routines
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